Monday, February 11, 2013

Alex "No Big Deal" Honnold

Alex Honnold is one crazy mother fool. He is without a doubt the greatest and in turn the craziest free soloer alive... key word alive. He dropped out of college while going for engineering, packed his belongings into the family van and took off to dedicate himself and his time to climbing. I told you he was crazy. He currently shares the record for the quickest speed run of Half Dome in Yosemite with a time of just over 2 hours, the usual time for an experienced climber is about 18 hours just to put things into perspective. Oh yeah, and he free soloed it, he  is the only one to do that by the way... EVER! 4,737 feet with no ropes or equipment other than climbing shoes and a bag of chalk. Alex is always so chill and climbs because love the sense of accomplishment and not the adrenaline rush most people do it for. He is incredibly calm in ever situation, that is part of the reason he is still alive and the reason he has the nickname Alex "No Big Deal" Honnold. An adrenaline rush while free soloing usually leads to panicking and panicking to falling. Seriously this guy has bigger balls than even Evil Knievel. Just watch this, watch this and tell me you're not impressed. "This is surreally cool"

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