Friday, February 8, 2013


Rock climbing is a sport like no other, it is as mentally demanding as it is physical. Only within the past one hundred years has the sport really been recognized as that... a sport. Although climbing has always been important as a means of travel and exploration only recently have people been crazy enough to do it for fun. The sport  has taken many forms since its birth; bouldering, aid climbing, free climbing, and free soloing are of the most common. bouldering involves climbing small routes without the use of any ropes and minimal safety gear. aid climbing uses ropes, harnesses, and weights to assist in the ascent, and is only intended for complete wusses as it is by far the safest and there is basically no change of injury. free climbing relies on the athletes own strength in the ascent, but still uses ropes to maintain safety, a second person is often used to belay or spot. And last, but last from least is free soloing which is by far the most difficult and respectable form of rock climbing. Free soloing uses no ropes or safety gear whatsoever the athlete relies solely on his or her own mental and physical skill, strength, and preparation. In free soloing a fall not over water almost always means certain death and dozens of free soloing's more notable athletes have met this fate. Free soloing due to it's extreme amount of awesome will be the main focus of this blog. Pictured: Alex Honnold free soloing the Half Dome at Yosemite .. I'll talk about him more later.

1 comment:

  1. I'm terrified just reading this post! I have always considered myself brave, but if this is the true meaning of brave, I am a yellow little coward!
