Would you jump off a 400 foot cliff putting all of your trust into a few ropes? Well these guys did including Shay Carls. While it is not exactly climbing it is still very relevant to the rock climbing scene as many rock climbers climb to spots so they can do stuff like this, or they do it as a side hobby.
I don't know if this is actually THE most insane rope swing, but it is pretty darn insane. There have been a few really big rope swings in the past, but this is definitely the best filmed and best looking one. And the public seems to agree too as just two days after the video was uploaded it already had around one million views, it is now up to 9 million and it has only been on youtube for 16 days! Last year the same group of people had another video called the "world's largest rope swing" which was 150 feet long so the new swing dwarfs that by along show. The other video was definitely still impressive and very well produced though and still deserves a watch.
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